Wednesday, June 10, 2009

On & On about Ms. Badu

Think you gon talk slick about Badu and me not saying anything?!?!?! Oh ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!! First of all, for anyone who knows me, you know Erykah Badu is my FAVORITE artist. (I’m going to name a child after her if that day ever comes. LOL… but for real though). Not only is she an amazing singer, she just seems to have a beautiful spirit…

I’ve heard her being called a “baby mama” and people saying ugly things because her children have different fathers. But for real people? The woman is 38! She is not 21 with three children ages 4, 2 and 1 all by different fathers. She is 38 and her children are 12, 5 and new born. Seven and Mars both came out of long term relationships and Puma from shorter term love but a love none the same. While I would not do things the same way, who am I to judge?

I think the real problem is people’s antiquated views on love and reproduction. What is wrong with a mature woman choosing to do things her way? What are we supposed to wait for prince charming? Just doesn't work like that anymore. Just because she is not married does not make her a bad mother or a whore, nor does the fact that her children have different fathers. I mean what’s the difference between having 3 marriages in 10 years and kids from each? A piece of paper? I’m all for marriage, but much like college, it ain’t for everybody. What’s wrong with her deciding it’s not for her?

And let’s keep it 100 right now… everytime a man and woman have sex, there is a possibility for a child… and some have had their fair share of opportunities. Just because a child did not come out of the opportunity DOES NOT mean you are any better or have the right to judge her. Love it or leave it alone!


1 comment:

  1. Not to go hard on your girl, but like you said, she is 38. 38 to me means I know better. I've learned from my mistakes. At least at 21 you can say you were young and dumb...With that said, I wouldn't stand on a street corner and hold up a sign or anything. Not that significant to my day-to-day. 'Twon't catch me, I'll tell ya that, tho!
