Saturday, June 6, 2009

Which came first? The autotune or the leggings?

On this, the aftermath of the release of Jay-Z’s DOA (death of autotune… for those who have been living under a rock) I got to thinking, is this the end of 80s fashion too? (Please God say it is!!!!) It seems that the 2 came out together so why shouldn’t they die together! Maybe someone should make a song about 80s fashion and it will go away too!

Let’s face it, 97% of the people that think they can pull off Neon colors, shoulder pads, leggings, body suits and harem pants can’t. I say lets just go back to a time when people dressed impeccably, wore things that were appropriate for their body types and appreciated high fashion for what it is, art. I’m not saying it is because I can’t wear these trendy items… hell I’m probably in the 3% that can… but I wear what I like, not things because they are on trend. (you will NEVER catch me in a pair of harem pants… of that you can be sure)

And music… Okay… I accept that Jay-Z “killing” autotune is not going to happen overnight. Apparently Diddy is getting ready to put out an album chock full of autotune, but what ever happened to creativity? When every song did not say the same thing? When every song did not sound exactly the same? It’s sad that originality is now the exception and not the rule.

My opinions aside…. We all know music and fashion are inextricably intertwined. But which came first? The autotune or the leggings? While I believe both music and fashion are both powerful forces, I dare say the autotune ushered in the leggings. I know some will disagee, but for me, music (well good music anyway) inspires living and fashion is the expression for life.

Either way, both have been recycled from the 80s… this time, lets burn them and get rid of the suckers for good. K thanks.

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